
The Key To Hiring a Successful Leader?

Company leaders and owners seek strong leaders for their teams with various objectives in mind—whether to drive change, achieve growth, develop succession, or more.

The goals themselves dictate the type of people, knowledge, skills, and experience needed to achieve them. Understanding the primary reason for hiring someone is crucial.

Often, the recruitment process begins with a profile based on the previous person in the role or a similar position, discussing values and culture without giving enough attention to that significant “why.” As a result, a new employee or leader is hired who appears to meet all the criteria but fails to deliver the expected results.

What went wrong?

A bold change initiator and implementer is typically a different type of person, with unique skills and experience, compared to a leader focused on sales and revenue. Both may be seasoned leaders who value open communication, but their methods of pursuing goals differ.

Over the years, we have collaborated with many owners and leaders who have helped us at Arista to understand that the depth of our partnership is what enables us to find the right people who are best suited to tackle key objectives.

Here´s what Emöke Sogenbits has said about finding several key players for her team with Arista’s help.

Emöke Sogenbits Photo: Andras Kralla

“Wherever I work, I strive to develop my successors. I am proud of all of them—they have all become competent leaders. This gives me the inner freedom to move forward with peace of mind whenever I wish.

To make significant changes, you need an exceptionally strong team. You need people who push things forward. I hire people who, first and foremost, have the right attitude; skills can always be taught and developed.

Leadership is essential—a leader either sees problems with open eyes and acts, or they don’t. Change always begins with the leader and is then supported by the team that backs them up.”